The dSeries Executive Innovation Labs aim to find innovative, holistically designed, ecosystem-level solutions to the diabetes epidemic.

The diaTribe Foundation – through the dSeries Executive Innovation Labs – advocates for a holistically designed, systems-level approach that aims to identify the root causes of the diabetes epidemic and create innovative solutions to address them. At d19, participants came to a consensus that addressing diabetes stigma was, and is, an essential missing element of effective diabetes care, and thus, diabetes stigma has been the focus of the last three dSeries events.
Together, we are working to transform the dialogue and action regarding diabetes.

The d22 Executive Innovation Lab (2022, Virtual) focused on inspiring out-of-the-box and creative solutions. Participants continued building on the idea of shifting narratives, storytelling and finding ways to disrupt the status quo which is rife with misconceptions and misunderstanding about diabetes.
To learn more about d22:

The d21 Executive Innovation Lab (2021, Virtual) built on the narrative learnings from d20. Participants developed and refined critical communication tools, giving them the confidence to address stigma in their personal and collective spheres of influence, and began the work to develop viable and fundable campaign ideas to address stigma.
To learn more about d21:

The d20 Executive Innovation Lab (2020, Virtual) focused on understanding and addressing diabetes stigma – a key lever, identified at d19, that impacts many areas of the diabetes ecosystem map. Participants learned about stigma and tools to help reduce it, shaped new narratives for message alignment, and connected with other leaders committed to doing their part to help flatten the curve.
To learn more about d20:

The d19 Executive Innovation Lab (June 2019, San Francisco, CA) built on the work from prior dSeries events. Working with experts and critical players in the field, participants develop a diabetes ecosystem map to prioritize key levers for changing the status quo. In addition, we launched a cross-sector steering committee to drive the direction of the dSeries as a hub for learning and impact on the diabetes epidemic and explored the exciting topic of Food As Medicine.
To learn more about d19:

At the d18 Executive Innovation Lab (June 2018, Aspen, Colorado) participants dove into systems thinking and scenario planning as tools for addressing the diabetes epidemic. In addition, the Anthology of Brightspots was launched at d18, showcasing prevention programs, wellness initiatives, and innovative healthcare teams that have significantly improved diabetes outcomes.
To learn more about d18:

The d17 Executive Innovation Lab (September 2107, San Francisco, California) generated innovative solutions to the most pressing problems in diabetes, building on key investible, scalable, and impactful ideas showcased in the d16 Consensus of Ideas.
To learn more about d17:

The d16 Executive Innovation Lab (January 2016, Palo Alto, California) was a productive, interactive workshop and discussion. Participants explored how design thinking can help tackle diabetes using a systems approach and increase engagement.
To learn more about d16: