Inclusive Language for Women with Diabetes
Living with diabetes can be complicated. Whether it’s the impact of monthly hormone cycles on blood glucose levels, navigating a healthy pregnancy, or juggling societal expectations with tough management days, women living with diabetes face unique challenges that impact their care and treatment outcomes.
The language used when talking about women and their diabetes plays a crucial role in shaping the care experience. By using language that is supportive, respectful, and inclusive of the unique experiences of each individual, we can create more inclusive and welcoming spaces for all women living with diabetes.
A guide to using inclusive and empathetic language for Women with Diabetes
Together with leading diabetes advocates, our friends at #LanguageMatters Diabetes and the Diabesties Foundation developed this guide by women with diabetes, for women with diabetes to encourage thoughtful and empathetic communication. This guide is to help support peers, friends and caregivers of women with diabetes who want to make women with diabetes feel seen, heard and understood.